“I feel ClariConnect is looking deep inside my life. Sometimes I’m already living what’s being described, helping me understand what’s going on; other times, it gives me an awareness of what might come. Either way, I look forward to my Monday morning connections and make it a habit to read, remember, and follow the advice and wisdom inherent in each one.”

-Patricia K

“I have decided to sign up my son for ClariConnect. He was having problems living his life. He dropped out of college, he could not hold a job and he was severely depressed. Medical doctors put him on multiple antidepressants without much improvement. I was at the end of my rope when I discovered ClariConnect. Things started to shift almost right the way.
We found a homoeopath who helped ‘Alex’ to get off one of his antidepressants, we found a caring psychoanalyst who was able to create shifts in the way ‘Alex’ thought of himself. It is like the Universe started to bring the right people into my son’s life. Only one month later Alex found himself a job. He became more engaged in his life, he started to smile again, he became happy again.”

-Natalie R.

“I have signed up for ClariConnect because I had serious financial problems and health issues. I needed a job but did not know what and where to look; my previous skills were outdated. Two weeks after I was ClariConnected a friend of mine called me and asked whether I would be interested in a part time job to assist a private investor in his real estate purchases for about 6 to 8 months. It has been almost two years and I am now managing all the real estate that I have purchased for the investor. My boss asked me to stay on for another five years.”

-Lena A.